Louisiana Lineage
Tracing the roots of the Beauvais, Charrier, Guerin, Guillory, Nugent, Ortego, and Prestenback Families


As always, there are countless people, groups, and sites that we wouldn't have gotten further in our research without. This is my thanks to a few of them.

Suzanne Perry
There is no way in the world I'd be as far along in my Beauvais line - or have ever figured out the St. Gem/St. Gemme/St. Jemme/Beauvais connection - without Suzanne's keen eye, hours of research, and sincere interest in helping out novice-me countless times and for nothing but the joy of genealogical research.

Suzanne, there just aren't words for how much I appreciate all you have done and found, and for the endless supply of tips, leads, and wise counsel you've given me with this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Margie Thompson
Not only am I related to this delightful lady - another of "those Beauvais women" as my grandfather puts it (through her lovely mother) - she's been a great help and partner in researching our shared lineage. Her enthusiasm is contagious and it's always a delight remembering together some of our favorite family members that have gone before us.

I would be remiss if I didn't also thank her for introducing me to Suzanne Perry! Thanks, Margie - for everything.

Riley Prestenback
I have to thank the crazy, old coot - even though his answers to me are peppered with, "Those people are dead, leave them alone and let them rest in peace!" - because his steel-trap mind has been an invaluable key to the past; not only of his own lines but those of my grandmother and her parents'. He remembers the names and maiden names and children's names of people not even related to him that he only met once.

And he's really only joking with his quips; he loves talking about the past. So, Pa-Pa Riley - thank you for your help and for being the coolest, most hip, and simply awesome grandfather a gal could have.

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